The detailed Business Case for Carno Station was completed by Capita Symonds at the end of May and approved by the TraCC Board for submission to the Welsh Assembly Government. The TraCC Press Release issued on July 8th, 2011, is reproduced below.
At its meeting on 25th May, the TraCC Board approved the WelTAG (transport appraisal) Report on the proposals to open two new railway stations at Bow Street (near Aberystwyth, Ceredigion) and Carno (Powys). The transport appraisal work follows successful petitioning of the National Assembly for Wales by representatives of the local community in Carno (2007) and the completion of the TraCC Rail Utilisation Study by Capita Symonds (2010), the latter identifying Bow Street also as a potential location for a station. In the case of Carno, TraCC undertook to complete the business case initially developed in draft form by the Carno Station Action Group (CSAG). The final WelTAG Report is considered robust, both in terms of meeting industry standards on assessment, and in terms of addressing issues raised by local community groups. The Report demonstrates a high Benefit Cost Ratio of 2.2 for a Bow Street station and in the case of Carno, the corresponding Benefit Cost Ratio is lower because of the smaller population, but, as with Bow Street, the report identifies important additional social benefits, such as improving access to employment and reducing social exclusion.Having worked closely with representatives of the two local communities, TraCC has now requested a meeting to present the final Report to Carl Sargeant, the Minister for Local Government and Communities and seeks for both new stations to be included in the Welsh Government’s Rail Forward Programme.
Councillor Trevor Roberts, Chair of TraCC adds: ‘TraCC has responded positively to the request of the National Assembly’s Enterprise and Learning Committee and has completed the WelTAG Report. The final Report clearly demonstrates that there is a strong case for the Welsh Government and Rail Industry in Wales to include plans for these two new stations in their future investment programmes and I would urge them to do so at their earliest opportunity.’