Following discussions with the Minister, Edwina Hart, and senior officials at the Welsh Assembly Government, Carno Station Action Group has been asked to carry out a local consultation later this month over the options for siting the proposed station in Carno. Jeremy Barnes, chairman of the group, said “We are delighted that the Welsh Assembly Government has asked us to carry out this consultation – another step forward in our campaign.”
Mr Barnes went on to say “We aim to knock on every door in the village and to contact residents living in outlying houses.” A consultation document has been prepared setting out the options for a new platform and shelter at the former station site and a new site at the other end of the village.
Members of the group are currently in detailed discussions with officials over the costs and benefits of the station. They point to the contrast between the number of stations opened in South Wales in recent years and the absence of new stations in Mid Wales. The proposal for a station in Carno continues to receive support from Assembly Members of all parties.